Thursday, July 14, 2011

Bound by Desire

God did something interesting when he created us, he has bound us to him by placing inside us desires that can only be satisfied by him. In this way he has marked us as his own. Whether we recognize Jesus as Lord or not, every person on the face of the earth is trying to satisfy the desires he has given each of us. Every day we chose to pursue what we think will satisfy those desires. We may rush out the door and carry with us the questions, "who loves me? how much?am I unique? do I matter? what is my purpose? what do I have to look forward to? what will bring me joy today?

All of us are searching for love, purpose, meaning hope and we find a million and one ways to satiate these desires. We are are looking for the right people in our lives, for people to treat us better, for the right job, to find something that makes us feel good about ourselves.

But the job is not the means to fulfilling the desire God has given us, having the right people in our lives won't give us the love we are searching for, having people treat us fairly won't fill us with what we are searching for. Sometimes these "things" get at what we want and so we keep seeking them out. But these "things" are so trivial and momentary and none of them are promised to us. None of them get at the depth of our desire.

Save yourself trouble, before you rush out the door, allow God to satisfy your deepest desires to be loved, to have purpose, to have hope. Spare yourself the time asking him to give you the "things" you think will satisfy them. Understand what your deepest desires are and understand that God put them there so that you would always remember you belong to him and will always be in need of him to fulfill them.

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